Month: December 2023

Spreading the importance of the project and its ideas in Serbia

Professional associate of the SDCS, Aleksandar Ivanovski, held a workshop in Valjevo on the topic “Use of modern technologies in physical education”. Through the lecture on this topic, he highlighted the potential and ideas of the Erasmus+ HopaSuS project. The project’s methods go in the direction of improving children’s physical education, starting from the earliest …

Spreading the importance of the project and its ideas in Serbia Read More »

Transnational meeting in Plovdiv

The 4th transnational partners‘ meeting of the European Union co-financed project HopaSus took place on November 17, 2023. This time partners from UNEFS (Romania), SDCS (Serbia) and Tavo Europa (Lithuania) were hosted by the Bulgarian organization WalkTogether, which invited them to visit the Gotse Delchev Gymnasium in Plovdiv. During the meeting, the further course of …

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Workshop in Marijampole, Lithuania

Sports activities are an integral part of the Hopasus project. Sports activities are an integral part of the Hopasus project. On September 29, 2023, a workshop was held in Marijampolė with the students of Mokolai pro-gymnasium, from which we share moments.