Grupa 31. 02.04.2024
Antohe Anamaria Cristina
Ciochina Maria
Prezent Georgescu Tudor 35kt
Antohe Anamaria Cristina
Ciochina Maria Magdalena
grupa 31KT
02.04.2024 Grupa 37KT: Tudor Flavius
Stana Cosmin
Ungureanu Corina-Elena, grupa 34 KT, an lll
prezență Curs Geriatrie 02.04.2024
Prezent - Ivanov Vlad gr 35KT
Buzatoiu Ioana Corina- prezenta 02.04.2024
Tabără Valentin - GR 37KT prezenta curs KGG 02.04.2024
Costache Stefan-Catalin
prezenta 35 KT 2.04
Toma Catrinel Maria, grupa 33KT, 02.04.2024
Buna ziua! Oproiu Andreea Ioana, gr 33. 2.04
Manea Ana Maria Gabriela-33 kms
Chivu Catalin-Constantin 34 KT (02.04)
Necula Vlad Ioan
Neagu Daniel Catalin (36 KT) - 02.04.2024
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This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.