
SDCS - Serbia

Association Sports diagnostic center Sabac is a voluntary, non-governmental and non-profit association, established for an indefinite period to achieve goals in sports, physical education and recreation. SDCS is located in Sabac city in Serbia. SDCS is a scientific and research organization with the priorities in the field of sport, physical education and recreation, as well as non-formal education, e-learning, pedagogical approach to new and innovative didactic methods, with the focus on the scientific and academic approach for problem-solving (added value to projects) in the field of physical activity and topics to the European sport agenda. Our main activities are in connection with the research process and data collection, analysis, testing, monitoring, data evaluation and standardization. The association works on the development and improvement of sports, physical education and recreation, and accordingly provides professional support. The activities of the association in the mentioned areas include: 1. Periodic monitoring of physical abilities of children, youth, athletes and adults
2. Control of training of children, youth and athletes, advisory role
3. Scientific research work
4. Publication of a scientific research paper 5. Education of children, youth and athletes
6. Advisory role to sports coaches and physical education teachers
7. Connecting and exchanging information with domestic and foreign associations and institutions in the field of sports, physical education and recreation
8. IT documentation activity, storage and maintenance of databases

Tavo Europa - Lithuania

Tavo Europa is more than just another NGO working on the development of society by making those choices. It is a platform that gathers youth and different kind of experts who work together. We are home for the knowledge-hungry professionals that deeply care about their job, about career development and about youth. This is a safe place where non-formal education methods meet different environments and miracles really begin to happen. Teachers, trainers, instructors, researchers, activists and youth leaders gather together to make the choice – bring a positive change, while giving floor to youth and helping them advance their major skills. Life is all about making choices, but to help youngsters make the right ones, we provide tools and methods striving to create a stronger link between youth mobility experience and further professional prospects. Through various projects and different local activities, we are looking for new ways of how educational activities can meet the demand of new generations. In a liquid, constantly changing and evolving environment such as the nowadays age of knowledge that we are living in, it is essential to readjust the teaching-industry relationship, while experimenting with new ways of learning, thus making new great and better choices than ever before.


The NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS (UNEFS) in Bucharest was established by the Law on Physical Education promulgated on 15 June 1923 and published in the Official Gazette no. 59 of 17 June 1923, under the name of NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION (INEF). This name has changed during its existence up to the current one, attributed by the approved amendments to the Government Decision no. 749/2009 and published in the Official Gazette of Romania, 1st Part, of 12 October 2009.

The first class of physical education teachers graduated in 1926 and, among them, many were to become remarkable personalities in the field.

Since its establishment, the classes of graduates have succeeded uninterruptedly and, throughout the years, great athletes, honored coaches, successful managers and businessmen in various areas, people with responsible positions, institution leaders in our field and not only, true ambassadors of Romania, studied, trained or completed their training in this institution.

Currently, the Bucharest UNEFS, a public higher education institution with legal personality, operates based on the Romanian Constitution of 1991, the Education Law no. 84/1995 (republished), the Teaching Staff Statute no. 128/1997 and the Law no. 288/2004.

The activity is carried out according to the UNEFS University Charter and own regulations.

In the European Union classification system, UNEFS is defined as an “A” level education and research institution that brings together all basic areas of scientific knowledge related to man, education, health, culture and society. Study programs are in line with the Bologna Process, and the University has been awarded the Erasmus University Charter, having partnerships with universities from the European area.

At the external evaluations of 2009 and 2017, the ARACIS Council awarded the University a High Degree of Confidence rating.

The development strategy of the Faculty Physical Education and Sports has taken into account the Bologna Process principles, which can be summarized as follows: ensuring sustainable development in Europe based on knowledge and research, structuring university studies in three cycles (Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral studies), quality assurance in education, academic mobility, transparency, recognition of qualifications and educational documents, application of credit transfer (ECTS).
The FEFS strategy is designed to ensure optimal functioning of the three significant areas of activity, namely education, scientific research and involvement in social, economic and cultural activities.
Considering the recent trends in Romanian education and the requirement to provide complex professional training at all levels, the FEFS mission and objectives have been redefined in line with the UNEFS mission and the Medium- and Long-Term National Development Strategy for Romania set up by the Agenda 2020. The goal is to achieve a modern and efficient educational system that contributes to the progress of the Romanian society.



Duration: 3 years – 180 credits, with accredited (A) / provisionally authorized (PA) study programs:

Physical and Sports Education – full-time education – A

Physical and Sports Education – in French, full-time education – A

Sports and Motor Performance – full-time education – A

Sports and Motor Performancein English, full-time education – PA


Duration: 2 years – 120 credits, full-time education, with the following two accredited programs:

Motor and Somato-Functional Recovery-Rehabilitation
Nutrition and Body Remodeling



Duration: 3 years – 180 credits, with the accredited program:

Kinetotherapy and Special Motricity – full-time education


Duration: 2 years – 120 credits, full-time education, with the following two accredited programs:
Motor and Somato-Functional Recovery-Rehabilitation
Nutrition and Body Remodeling


Association WalkTogether Bulgaria

Association Walktogether is focused on community based projects and together with its youth leaders, trainers and youth workers we promote non-formal education as a supplementary education of the formal education. We work with different EU programs such as Europe for Citizens, Erasmus + and others local funds from the Ministry of Education in Bulgaria on topics that focus on social – economic development, wellbeing, sport, and on other subjects that are coming out of the youth and adult learners’ needs, including people with fewer opportunities (cultural and social obstacles). 

Our organization at local level cooperates with several schools and University, the Erasmus Student Network Bulgaria and National Youth Centers.